About Us


Sunday 9:30 am (classes) 10:30am (worship) & (various Sunday afternoon/evening activities)

Engaged, energized, enriched

The North Park Church of Christ is a group ("congregation") of Christians worshiping and doing good works in the northern part of Rockford, IL, specifically Machesney Park and Loves Park, though our members live all around Winnebago and Boone Counties. We seek to be the same church one reads about in the New Testament. We aim to restore its doctrine, its practice, and its zeal. We do not have a Creed or report to a centralized 'home office', and while we have some traditions that make up our congregation's personality in the way we worship and serve, we never want them to supersede or stray outside of God's commands, Jesus' words or biblical principles.

The North Park Church of Christ is committed to sharing Jesus with our community and the world; while encouraging the spiritual development of our youth, strengthening the bond of our families, and serving the needs of our senior adults to build a church known by its love and message that flows from the very heart of God.

The vision of the North Park Church of Christ is to be known throughout the community as a beacon of faith, hope and love that draws people from all walks of life close to the God of heaven and ignites their desire to share His love with each other. Those who worship with us will find a unified community of believers energized by engaging worship and focused on serving God and each other.

As we work together in service to our neighbors, we will be enriched through intertwined lives, intentionally reaching across generational boundaries learning from each other how to exhibit the character of Christ.

What We Believe

About God

We believe in the one true God revealed in the Bible. He spoke the world into existence and sustains all things today. We believe that God exists in three distinct personalities: God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Holy Spirit guided the hands of the many authors of the books of the Bible such that it is the inerrant Word of God, lived out in the life of Jesus while he was on Earth to show us how to love God and love others so that they might seek to be Jesus' followers and pursue a life of obedience to and faith in Him and be saved.

About Jesus

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. We believe He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on a cross, was buried and raised from the dead three days later by the power of God, conquering sin and death once for all. We believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life; and that the only way to heaven, the only way to God the Father, is via a relationship with Him.

About Salvation

We believe that God’s love and justice intersect at the cross. Since God is just, He cannot simply ignore or disregard our sin but because He is loving and we are his creation, He wants to be in fellowship with us.

Because of His love and justice, God has acted on our behalf, by Jesus taking our sin on himself when He died on the cross, but we must choose to accept or decline His gift of salvation. We accept the gift of salvation through obedient faith, which is surrendering command of our life by deciding to become a disciple of (follower/student of) Jesus and being baptized proclaiming Jesus as Lord of our life, at which point we receive many blessings, including forgiveness of all of our sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us understand and obey his instructions for our life. We are then "saved" and can call ourselves a "Christian".

About the Church

We believe that the church belongs to the Lord! It is His body, and every Christian is a member of that body. God has designed for each part, each member to do their part in the body, the church. North Park Church of Christ only employs the Minister and the Ministry Assistant and all the other work is by the members using their spiritual and physical gifts, time and energy. 1 Corinthians 12 says that the body is made up of many parts that do not all have the same duty. We have many opportunities to be active members of Jesus' body, the church, from being a greeter to helping maintain the grounds, to teaching a class. It is fulfilling to know you are being an active part of the church body.


About Christian Living

The Christian life seeks through the grace of God and the power of the Spirit to live out the way of Jesus every day.  We are called to finish His work to spread the good news ("the gospel") to everyone so that they, too, can have "life to the full" (John 10:10) by following Jesus while having their sins forgiven, conscience cleansed and the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Together, we all seek to be 'transformed by the renewing of your mind' by encouraging each other in word and example to obey Jesus' commands and apply the principles in the Bible. Jesus said that his commands 'are not burdensome' and we at North Park find joy in becoming more and more like Jesus as we work side-by-side through this short life here before we meet Jesus for judgment day and eternity.

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