What to expect


Sunday 9:30 am (classes) 10:30am (worship) & (various Sunday afternoon/evening activities)

When You Arrive

Please visit our Welcome Table in the church foyer to pick up informational literature.

  • Our weekly bulletin
  • Event flyers
  • Welcome/Visitors card
  • Communion 'kits' (bread and juice in 1 package)

There are also congregation members ("Greeters") present to answer any questions or direct you in any way necessary.

Our Church

We are a Church, centered on Jesus Christ that strives to practice principles and teachings found in the Bible. We ground our core beliefs in Jesus and in His message which is found in Scripture. Our beliefs are rooted in Scripture, not merely in opinion or religious tradition.

At the North Park Church of Christ, we believe church is:

– more than a building

– more than a place

We believe the church is people who live out their faith together as a body of believers in Christ journeying together toward eternity.

What To Expect on Sunday

It is never easy to visit a new church for the first time, so we want to help make your experience a good one.  When you arrive at North Park, you will find us to be a friendly, welcoming church.  If you need any assistance our members will help you in any way that we can.

Our worship time is dedicated to exalting and honoring God.  There will be an equipped nursery available should you have need of such. 

The entire congregation will sing songs together.  The songs will be displayed on the projection screen at the front of the auditorium.  You are invited to sing along or just listen until you become familiar with the songs.  

At some point during the service, we will share the Lord’s Supper together as God’s children.  

As recipients of the riches of God’s grace, we are honored to give an offering back to our God, so that His work can be continued. 

Every week you will hear a relevant, straightforward, message that will last 25-30 minutes that is designed to be helpful in your everyday life.  We trust that these messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and provide a strong biblical foundation for your life.

It is our desire for each person to leave our time of worship strengthened and encouraged in your daily walk toward Jesus.

Plan your visit